Thursday, December 26, 2019

A Need to Foster and Adoption - 1364 Words

† To take a child of other parents legally as your own† is the definition of adoption in today’s society (merriam-webster). There are different types of adoption there is international and interracial. Various types of people can adopt a child, it does not matter if the person is black, white, Hispanic, gay, lesbian, poor, or rich these people can still adopt. There are several aspects to consider when adopting. A child could have emotional setback because of the care the child has received or events that the child experienced in foster care or on the streets. There can be several negative life-long effects of adoption on a child or the parents. Adoption has multiple benefits that come along with adopting a child. When adopting a child that child who has not had any love or parental support will gain parents, love, someone who cares, and the feeling of want. Adopting a child will bring one more kid away from an unhealthy and unsafe environment. Parents who adopt will have someone who cares about them for the rest of their lives and the parents will know that there has been a good thing done by adopting an innocent child. Adopting is an amazing thing and will make the parents happy and the child as well. If a couple does not want to adopt but the couple wants to get involved fostering a child until that child is adopted is a great way to get involved. There are several ways to get involved and help when it comes to child that need help and adopting and fosteringShow MoreRelatedAdoption Of A Foster Home Needs A Family2125 Words   |  9 PagesAlexander Douglass Period 5 Ms.Garner Adoption One of the biggest issues we have today is that people don t know what some kids have to go through when there parents give them up or they have a single mother and she can not take care of them. 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Wednesday, December 18, 2019

The Ways in Which Shakespeare Entertains his Audience in...

The Ways in Which Shakespeare Entertains his Audience in Twelfth Night One of the main themes throughout Twelfth Night is that of confusion and mistaken identity. This is illustrated mainly by Viola as Cesario, confusing all of the characters into thinking that she is a man. The only people that know of her true identity (apart from the sea captain at the very beginning) are the audience. This makes it more enjoyable and entertaining for the audience as they know exactly what is going on and can see the comedy in the plot as it thickens. This links to the other main theme of the play, that of entertainment and comic characters. This is illustrated through Sir Toby Belch; who is quite clever and†¦show more content†¦Audiences would have gone into the theatre expecting a humorous plot filled with confusion, something Shakespeare manages to live up to. Shakespeares audiences would have been the poorer people, visiting the playhouses, very likely to dislike the middle classes and puritans, who wanted to close the theatres down. I think that Shakespeare uses Malvolio to represent Puritanism, a character who has very traditional values and doesnt join in with the fun and games. I think this association would have made it easier to laugh at Malvolio when he is picked on by the other characters and locked up unfairly by Olivia Let this fellow be looked to Twelfth Night, like many other Shakespeare comedies, has both a main plot and a sub plot. The main plot is the story of Viola/Cesario, Orsino and Olivia and their love-triangle. My master loves her dearly; And I, poor monster, fond as much on him; And she, mistaken, seems to dote on me. This plot is based on the different types of love, confusion and how love can be confusing. The sub plot is based more on comedy and misrule. Sir Toby Belch, Maria, Andrew Aguecheek and Malvolio are the main characters in the sub plot. They play tricks on each other and seem to enjoy themselves more than the other, more serious characters do. Three merry men be we! I think thatShow MoreRelatedWays in Which Shakespeare Entertains His Audience in Twelfth Night1295 Words   |  6 PagesWays in Which Shakespeare Entertains His Audience in Twelfth Night Shakespeare entertains his audience in many different ways, from the complications of the main characters love to the overtly comic schemes of others. The main method which Shakespeare uses to entertain his audience in this particular play is that of two plots, one main and one a sub-plot, interlocking with each other throughout. One of the main themes throughout Twelfth Night is that of confusion Read MoreTwelfth Night Character Analysis1739 Words   |  7 PagesTwelfth Night is a romantic comedy that questions the nature of love, gender, and class. 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Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Flowers For Algernon Supplementary Book Review Essay Example For Students

Flowers For Algernon: Supplementary Book Review Essay The book, Flowers for Algernon, was an exciting science fiction novelwritten by. The main characters of the story are thecentral character, Charlie, who is a mentally retarded individual involvedin a remarkable experiment which increased his I.Q., Alice, a teacher atthe special education faculty at Beekman College who taught Charlie how toread and write, the professors who performed the experiment on Charlie,Fay, one of Charlies aquaintances which he meets as the book progresses,and last but not least Algernon. The novel is exciting and contains very original material. The moodswhich are created in the reader, being me, are ones of sorrow, anger, andguilt. One of the elements of the story which contributes greatly to themood the reader experiences would be the plot. In the story, Charlie, issubject to an experiment which increases his intelligence in hopes ofknowing more in the soul purpose of impressing people to gain friends. Unfortunately some of his anticipations were not met. The main characters in the novel include Charlie, Alice, Algernon, andFay, a character who did not make much of an appearance, but in my eyesbelieved, that she played a very important part in Charlies involvement intrying to sort out his past and figure out his present and future plans. Charlie is a mentally retarded person who has impressing people and gainingfriends as one of his top priorities. He then hears of an experiment whichcould possibly make him smart. He makes himself subject to this humanexperiment with the hopes of gaining knowledge in a sole purpose of gainingfriends. As the book progresses, Charlie goes through dramatic changesmentally, and instead of making him gain friends he actually is looked onin the same way if not worse. For example, at Charlies old work hisfriends made fun of him and enjoyed his company just because Charlie hadamused them. Yet after the operation, Charlie discovers that he had notmade his friends like him more, but in actual fact, had pushed them away. Charlie understood now that his friends had done to him in the past, andstarts to look down upon them. Alice, Charlies teacher, is the person whointroduced Charlie to the idea of giving the experiment a chance. Shebelieves that Charlie has the determination, desire, and will power to makethe experiment work. She then, later on in the book, gets emotionallyinvolved with Charlie and helps Charlie learn more about himself. Algernon, is a lab animal who also has the experiment done on him and asresult makes him smarter than the average mouse. Algernon also plays avery important part in the novel because he represents Charlie andforeshadows what will happen to Charlie later on in the book. Fay, is anartist who certainly has views on life which can be rarely found in anindividual. As the book progresses, Fay, helps Charlie reveal his physicaland emotional capabilities. There are many exciting parts which occur in the book, yet onehowever, in my opinion which proved to be the most memorable would probablybe when he had been trying to find what had gone wrong in the experimentbefore the inevitable happened to him. After he had discovered what hadgone wrong he had started to descend down the escalator of intelligence andattempted to make several desperate attempts to try and walk up anescalator going down. The only thing that I do not agree with is how the book concludes. .u9a09c89290098b925e2a5bb6c0cd7014 , .u9a09c89290098b925e2a5bb6c0cd7014 .postImageUrl , .u9a09c89290098b925e2a5bb6c0cd7014 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u9a09c89290098b925e2a5bb6c0cd7014 , .u9a09c89290098b925e2a5bb6c0cd7014:hover , .u9a09c89290098b925e2a5bb6c0cd7014:visited , .u9a09c89290098b925e2a5bb6c0cd7014:active { border:0!important; } .u9a09c89290098b925e2a5bb6c0cd7014 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u9a09c89290098b925e2a5bb6c0cd7014 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u9a09c89290098b925e2a5bb6c0cd7014:active , .u9a09c89290098b925e2a5bb6c0cd7014:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u9a09c89290098b925e2a5bb6c0cd7014 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u9a09c89290098b925e2a5bb6c0cd7014 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u9a09c89290098b925e2a5bb6c0cd7014 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u9a09c89290098b925e2a5bb6c0cd7014 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u9a09c89290098b925e2a5bb6c0cd7014:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u9a09c89290098b925e2a5bb6c0cd7014 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u9a09c89290098b925e2a5bb6c0cd7014 .u9a09c89290098b925e2a5bb6c0cd7014-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u9a09c89290098b925e2a5bb6c0cd7014:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Culture shock EssayThe conclusion of the book in my eyes leaves the reader hanging like this. If I would make a change I would write about what happened afterCharlie Gordons death. An example of this would be possible progress andsuccess in the field, or maybe because of the events which had occurred inthe past in this field, it was given up for dead, or maybe Fay or Alicehad conceived a child and grew older had pursued his/her fatherstheory/discovery which in turn leads into a sequel. If anyone were to askme if they should read Flowers For Algernon, I would regard it as anexcellent book to read because it makes the reader think of how a mentallyretarded person feels, and mabye will show us a new respect for them. Thisbook has made me realize just how much more determination a mentallyretarded person could possibly have, and makes me realize just how lucky Iam.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Mikes Express Carwash

1. How was Mike’s Express Carwash utilized the Nordstrom method as an approach to customer service and satisfaction?Advertising We will write a custom assessment sample on Mike’s Express Carwash specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The company was able to utilize the Nordstrom method through application of its principles. First of all the company offers customers a variety of choices. There are three different kinds of carwash service being offered. The first package includes a wash, Mike’s Clear Coat and Wheel Bright (Spector, p.4). The second package includes a wash, Mike’s Clear Coat and an underbody wash (Spector, p.4). The third package is called the deluxe package and it includes everything in the second and first package. The company also makes sure that they had created an inviting place. The facility sits on â€Å"on an acre-plus of highly landscaped property† and the well-designed building itself is made immaculately clean, that first time customers thought that they were driving into a restaurant and not a carwash (Spector, p.4). Aside from that the company made a commitment to only hire those who are fit to work in a service-oriented workplace. It is common practice to interview 20 applicants for one job opening. The company is also committed not only to sell a service, they also sell a relationship and this simply means that they want each customer to keep coming back. They really take care of their customers and if one is not satisfied with the wash they ask the customer to let them repeat the process. This is done using another Nordstrom principle which is to empower employees to take ownership of the business. Thus, an employee no matter how new or how long he or she has been working there can approach a customer and say that Mike’s Express Carwash is not happy with their performance and would love to wash their car once more. The employees feel comforta ble working there because they believe in disregarding the rules or creating rules that forces them to be stiff rather than to be happy serving the customers. But this does not mean that that employees simply do what they feel, in order to maintain a high work rate the company promotes friendly competition between teams and between branches. Each employee is also rated by customers they label as â€Å"mystery shoppers† (Spector, p.5). This means that employees always find the motivation to exceed expectations. Finally, this company is committed to follow the Nordstrom way because the leaders and the people are 100% committed to customer service. For instance, Mike Dahm reads customer comment cards every time there is an employee meeting (Spector, p.5). The company also makes sure to promote only those who deserve promotion and this ensures that they always have managers that do their job well and a dedicated workforce ready to serve.Advertising Looking for assessment on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More 2. How are the products that Mike’s Express Carwash provides for its customers classified? The company does not manufacture and sell a particular product. They sell a specialized service using specialized products. For instance they use soap to clean the body and the underboy but they also use a coating that protects the paint of the car. At this point there is no need to change the kind of service they offered. But they can probably experiment with interior detailing or a new type of service where they would clean the inside of the car while their customer wait in an area where they sell coffee and other kinds of beverages. 3. What features distinguish this particular carwash brand. As mentioned earlier the facility does not look like a carwash building. It resembled something like a big restaurant because of the handsomely designed architecture. Aside from the building, what was striking to the customers was the kind of clothes that the attendants are wearing. They have hats on and they are wearing white shirts but on top of that they also have a tie with a cartoon character design. One can also see stuffed toys in many areas of the facility that makes it fun for kids and makes them less intimidated with the sound of the big machines that do the washing. As a result there is brand loyalty as attested by one happy customer who happened to be a writer and proceeded to make a glowing commentary about this carwash company. If they continue with what they are doing then they will always have loyal customers who will keep coming back. But there is room for improvement. The company must continually make investments especially when it comes to new technology that can make the process go faster. If it will take say seven minutes to complete one cycle then they must experiment with technology that can do it faster, say under five minutes. This will make th e customers extremely happy.Advertising We will write a custom assessment sample on Mike’s Express Carwash specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More 4. How does Mike’s Express Carwash price and promote its products so that customers will continue to purchase them and they will continue to make a profit? As mentioned earlier there are three different packages. These three different packages anticipates that customers have different needs. This will make the customers feel that they are getting their money’s worth because they are not being forced to buy somethng that they do not need. It also allows the customers to choose a service that fits their budget. The basic package costs $6 and the most expensive one costs $12. If they find the high-end service too expensive then they can opt for the cheaper one. There are customers who are only interested in a clean body and does not care much about their tires so they will feel like the service is affordable. Aside from the different packages offered the company also uses smart promotion to entice first time customers. For instance they have promo that says the first try is free but they get $12 worth of carwash and underbody wash. But on their second try they get the same at half the price. This is an irresistible offer because the prospective customer can check out the facility and the service without spending anything, and if they like it then they form a relationship with the customer because of the superior service rendered. 5. Why has Mike’s Express Carwash been recognized so many times for providing world class customer service? The company is serious in providing excellent service and once a customer tries their service they would exclaim that satisfaction is guaranteed at Mike’s Express Carwash. They will do everything to make even an old car looks so good that the owner is pleased with the result. Advertising Looking for assessment on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This is the reason why the customers are so happy because most of them are intent to keep the cars for a long time and if they can find a service that allows them to maintain the beautiful look of their cars then they wold continue to use their service and even provide word-of-mouth advertising for them. I would definitely go back to this carwash. There are only a few carwash facilities in this nation that offers this kind of service. As a customer you feel good the moment you enter and you feel even better when you come out. This is a good example of how to create a successful company, one that is built on the idea that the customer is boss. Works Cited Spector, Robert. Mike’s Carwash’s Approach to Customer Service. This assessment on Mike’s Express Carwash was written and submitted by user Tatt00 to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.